This allows the displacement generated by the Relief Map to be visible at the object silhouette. Intended for use with the Relief Mapping plugin, this modifier calculates smooth per-vertex tangent space vectors and surface curvature coefficients. This version for Max is based on the open source PhysX plugin, and basically swaps out PhysX for Bullet, allowing you to perform rigid body simulations inside Max and export them to the. The Dynamica plugin was originally an in-house Maya plugin developed by Disney Animation Studios which they contributed to the Bullet project.
Its main purpose is to clean up data from imported DXF and DWG splines.īullet is an open source collision detection and rigid body dynamics library. So you can use it to 'reverse engineer' tesselated splines that have only corner points back to splines with bezierpoints. It works both on bezier points and on corner points. You specifiy the maximum error and an angle for corner detection. It tries to approximate the given spline with a spline that looks the same but has fewer knots. This modifier is similar to the optimize plugin except that it works on splines.
Mental ray for maya 2016 extension 2 service pack 1 full#
It brings an attenuation gizmo for more smooth results, as well as full MAXScript support. Bulge-O-Matic allows you to do spherify operations on Objects, as well as Sub-Object selections, it also allows you to do negative effects, and per-axis deformations.
This is an advanced spherify modifier used to project object vertices onto a Sphere. The plugin is for V-Ray 2.3, it will be included in the V-Ray 2.4 service pack. The VRayHairFarmMod modifier allows the rendering of HairFarm 2.0 with native V-Ray primitives. On Mac and Linux operating systems, this service pack is a full product install. Do not uninstall Maya before applying this service pack.
Important Installation Notes: On Windows operating systems, this service pack patches your existing Maya software. Refer to the readme for more information. This is a modified and improved version of the shipping PointCache modifier. Autodesk Maya 2016 Service Pack 6 includes several important fixes. Does sea shells, corkscrews etc.Ĭreates waves, like water flowing around an obstacle. This plugin is very similar to the standard Bend modifier, except that it bends objects while keeping a user-definable number of straight sections.Ī noise modifier that decays off from its center.Ī bend modifier for curling things up.